A smile said it all- she realized her mistake!

girl playing on road side

Around 2 years back, I got heavily scolded by my mom for pulling back to roadside a kid who strayed away to the middle of street while playing.

She scolded me because according to her, that job was of the kid’s mom, who at that time was busy bargaining at a roadside shop, just like us. My mom said, if the mom of that kid was careless, she should learn than lesson, I should not step in to do her job!

little girl playing

I hated her inside my heart, to say such a thing! Because when I pulled that girl back to safe area, she smiled at me. And guess what, even her mom smiled, and I felt she realized her mistake. There was no need to get that kid hurt to make her mom realize her mistake.

The smile said it all, she was thankful I stepped in to take care of her daughter while she splurged into shopping, taking a break from her routine housewife-duties.

And I rolled my eyes at my not-so-happy-with-my-actions mom and carried on with the rest of shopping. I knew this moment is etched into my memory for a long time.

little girl

17 thoughts on “A smile said it all- she realized her mistake!

  1. Sounds to me like you did what anyone should have done. It isn’t our place to judge others, but being helpful or considerate of others should just be something we all do. 😀 You made an excellent point here!

  2. Reconciling actions with customs or attitudes is sometimes difficult, especially with someone significant. Nonetheless, we ought not allow a child, or anyone else for that matter, to be harmed for the lesson of another (or even oneself). Well done!

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